ImageJ plugin for detecting and mapping organelles within cells
You can find example data here:
└── seg_membrane_signal
Structure of data and folders:
├── MembraneStaining.tif
└── Setting_MembraneStaining.xml
└── MembraneStaining_NucSeg.tif
├── MembraneStaining_S0
├── cellSegmentation.png
├── detections.tiff
├── intensityDistance.csv
└── nucSegmentation.png
├── 2024-04-03T120353-settings.xml
├── cellMeasurements.csv
└── organelleDistance.csv
The test data for this tutorial contains a nucleus stain as well as a membrane staining. To simulate the organelle channel for the organelle detection the membrane staining was duplicated.
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The segmentation of the nuclei via the internal OrgaMapper intensity-based segmentation was difficult. Therefore an external segmentation is provided. This segmentation has been generated by manually curating a segmentation generated via Labkit.
Steps to generate this segmentation:
Specify the location of the input and the output directories. The file ending is .tif. Select the provided settings file and tick the external nucleus segmentation as external data input:
Press ok to continue.
The external data setup dialog pops up. Specify the input directory for the external nucleus segmentation. The Nucleus segmentation suffix should work as is:
Press ok to continue.
The Preview based on the provided data and settings file should pop up:
The provided settings should work as is. You can check the previews for external nucleus segmentation:
The provided settings should give rise to the cell segmentation as shown below. Note: that the Invert Cell Image setting is selected:
You can the execute the batch processing via pressing Batch Process.