

ImageJ plugin for detecting and mapping organelles within cells

Analysis Results

The resulting plots will be saved individually in the specified input directory under plot_distance_map and plot_intensity_map. The processed data will be saved as raw and summarized data in .xlsx files:

├── <imageName>
├── plot_distance_map
├── plot_intensity_map
├── <Date>-<Time>-settings.xml
├── <Result name>_cell.xlsx
├── <Result name>_detection.xlsx
├── <Result name>_intensityProfile_Membrane.xlsx (Optional)
├── <Result name>_intensityProfile_Nucleus.xlsx
├── <Result name>_intensityRatio_Nucleus.xlsx
├── cellMeasurements.csv
└── organelleDistance.csv

Result Files

Overview Plots

Within the rShiny app you will then get overview plots under the tabs at the top for the different parameters.


First, under Cell Measurements you will be informed:


Second,you will find the organelle specific measurements under Organelle Measurements:


Finally, Organelle Intensity Map and optionally for another measurement channel you will find the intensity maps:


Measured parameters

Cell Measurements

In file <Result name>_cell.xlsx for each image, series and cell:

Organelle measurements

In file <Result name>_detection.xlsx for each, image, series and cell additionally to merged in cell measurements you will find per detection:

Intensity profiles

In file <Result name>_intensityProfile_Nucleus.xlsx the results are binned based on the binning settings specified in the rShiny App GUI. Optionally in file <Result name>_intensityProfile_Membrane.xlsx. For each image per bin:
